During choosing of electrical equipment and lighting in our apartment, we were guided to choose the most efficient device in terms of energy savings. So devices as refrigerator, dishwasher, television and air-conditionersare category A (from 1 to 3 stars), and a complete lighting is in LED technology.
We didn’t do just to spend less energy for the same effect but also for global energy savings and global rationalization of energy management. In Croatia, on average, about 50% of total electricity is generated from renewable sources, mainly hydroelectric power plants without gases emissions. Maintaining the use of electricity at the rational level in manner that we use more efficient equipment and appliances, we can even increase the amount of electrical equipment, and that does not increase the total consumption of electricity and does not pollute the environment further.
We want on our small example contribute to this effect. We know that we are just a drop in the sea, but the sea is made up of many drops, so if we all have the same approach we will preserve more the earth from harmful gases and global warming. Do you the same at your home, be the drop that preserves the earth!